Things You Shouldn’t Do When Buying a Home

With a never ending list of everything you ‘should do’ when purchasing a home, it seems counterproductive to focus on what you should not do. But being aware of the don'ts is just as important as the do’s, when it comes to making the biggest financial investment of your life.

And knowing what not to do, just might land you better financing and the home of your dreams.

It may seem obvious to not do certain things like switching your job or co-signing a loan, but did you ever think that depositing cash or financing a new piece of furniture could affect your ability to get a mortgage?

As big as your ‘to do’ list is when purchasing a property, make sure you also have your ‘not to do’ list in close reach.

Read on to make sure you are avoiding these common mistakes and what to be aware of before you make your first offer on a property.

#1 Don’t overestimate what you can afford

Before you even begin the search for that perfect property, it is essential that you get pre-approved. Looking for homes outside of your budget is a waste of your time and can wreak havoc on your emotions.

And you will be disappointed if what you are pre-approved for is substantially less than what you thought.

It is best to run the numbers yourself before meeting with a mortgage broker. Mortgage brokers will likely do a debt to loan ratio. Meaning, they take your monthly debt and divide it by your monthly income. Most mortgage brokers want to keep your debt to loan or DTI below 33%. So for example, if your debt is $1,500 a month (and debt accounts for debt obligations like car payments and student loans not bills like you cell phone or power bills) and you make $6,000 a month, your DTI is 25%. They will calculate your new monthly mortgage to make sure your overall DTI is below 33%.

A great way to understand your own spending habits is to track them. There are a number of apps you can use like Mint or Itab that allows you to record your daily purchases. There is a section for you bills and you can calculate how much you are saving a month as well.

Once you allot for things like taxes and vacations you will have a pretty good idea of where your money is going. Replace your rent or your current mortgage payment with a monthly mortgage payment you would feel comfortable with and make sure you are in that ballpark when getting a loan.

You know your own lifestyle, if you like to travel and dine, than you may want to make sure you will have the disposable income that suits your own life.

#2 Don’t get emotionally invested

When you find that perfect home, it can be hard not to get emotionally attached. Depending on the time of year or the market you are in, there could be other offers on the property or things could go wrong like the home inspection and the offer could fall through.

Go in the home buying process with high intention and low attachment. It will keep your spirits high when looking for that perfect place.

#3 Don’t make any large purchases

When you begin thinking about purchasing a home, make sure you avoid making any large purchases. Large purchases such as buying a new car, a new furniture set or a home entertainment center. Banks will look at your financial history and want to see any recent activity.

The mortgage pre-approval you were given is based on how much money you had in your account and how much money you owed at the time you applied. If you make a large purchase and there is less money in your account, the less money the bank will be willing to lend you for your mortgage.

As tempting as it is to envision furnishing a new property or parking your new car in the driveway of your dream home, hold off till you close on the property and are sure you can afford it.

#4 Don’t take out or put in large amounts of cash from your bank account

Do not put in or take out large amounts of cash. The bank financing you will flag large deposits coming in because they may be loans from a bank or another lender. You in turn would have to pay back those loans on top of your mortgage, which would damage your loan to debt ratio.

A parent or family member may have gifted you part of your down payment in which case they may need to sign a letter stating that the money was a gift and you will not be paying them back. If you did in fact have to pay them back, it would be added to your monthly debt.

If you do happen to get a large sum of money from selling something like a car or if someone pays you money back that is owned, you may just have to prove it was from a legitimate source.

Most lenders will look at up to 60 days worth of bank statements. It is best to get your documentation organized prior to applying for the mortgage and make sure you can account for any large withdrawals or deposits.

#5 Don’t apply for more credit

How much you will get to finance your house will come down to how much money you have saved and how much money you have coming in, or your capital. Any extra debt will decrease the amount you are approved for so adding anymore credit can greatly affect how much your loan will be.

#6 Don’t co-sign a loan

This may seem like common sense but if a friend or family member needs you to co-sign a mortgage then you might not think anything of it. But co-signing a loan can really effect your own chance of being able to get one.

If they default on their mortgage then you are responsible for the payments, which in turn would affect your ability to make your own. In cases like these, it is best to protect your own financial interests.

#7 Don’t finance anything

Along with new home purchases comes new appliances, new furniture and maybe a new big screen TV. But financing anything when applying for a mortgage or prior to closing will do more harm than good.

Stay clear of the temptation to get every last thing you need for a new home and focus on your ability to afford it in the first place.

#8 Don’t switch a job, leave a job or start a company

Your ability to show you are financially stable is the single biggest determinant in getting a mortgage. Quitting a job or switching jobs can aid in your potential risk to a lender that you are not in a good financial or stable position.

If you are planning on applying for a new position or starting a company, it is best to do it once you have closed on the property. And of course, try not to get fired.

#9 Don’t miss loan payments

If you do have any loans you’re paying off, make sure you do not miss any payments. You likely haven’t missed any if you have good credit, but be extra cautious when applying for a mortgage.

Sometimes they’re honest mistakes like having been away for work or on a trip for a substantial amount of time. Or maybe you were in the hospital or a family member was sick so you were not as on top of your bills.

But having a 30 day missed payment can drop your credit by more than 100 points. So be sure to stay on top of your finances, especially when your credit score is crucial to your pre-approval.

#10 Don’t switch banks

I mean you likely don’t switch banks very often, but sometimes banks offer freebies like televisions sets or cash back when opening an account. It can be tempting, especially given the timing, but detrimental to a mortgage pre-approval.

Stick with the bank you have now so you will be able to provide at least 60 days of transactions and bank account balances. It may seem minor but can make your life a lot more complicated than it needs to be if you switch your bank last minute.


The list may be longer than you expected, but you can easily avoid a number of problems by understanding what can affect your decision making and your ability to get financing when you are getting ready to purchase a new home.

By getting your finances and documents in order prior to getting a pre-approval, and by getting a pre-approval prior to searching for a home, you will be well ahead of the game. And once you have the pre-approval, you will know everything not to do, so it is still effective on closing.

And that’s it! Hold off on that new car, stick with the bank you’re with and stay on top of your bills. Mortgage pre-approvals can be stressful and time consuming but well worth the extra effort once you get the key to your dream home!


What are the best room paint colours to add value to your home?


The Power of Paint in Real Estate

A swash of paint can be a game-changer in real estate, turning a mundane abode into a covetable haven. It’s not just about splashing walls with any hue; it’s an artful strategy to woo buyers and achieve higher selling prices, with minimal investment.

Setting the Stage for Higher Offers

In this chromatic playbook, I’ll unveil six paint colours that are your secret arsenal in the real estate battleground. These aren’t just colours; they’re investment multipliers.

Chic Charcoal: A Modern Marvel

Subtle Sophistication in Living Spaces

Charcoal isn’t just for grills—it’s the epitome of sophistication. Transforming living rooms into luxurious lounges, this chic shade is the choice of those who make statements with class. Among the best room paint colours, charcoal reigns supreme, especially for crafting upscale homes or styling sophisticated condos. Its depth adds dimension, from a calm backdrop in daylight to a captivating presence at night.

Imagine relaxing in a space where walls whisper tales of elegance and mystery. Charcoal does just that, infusing understated sophistication. It doesn’t demand attention; it gracefully steals it, making furniture and artwork come alive.

Pairing with Bold Accents

Picture chic charcoal walls adorned with vibrant art and metallic decor—a modernist’s dream canvas. Charcoal’s boldness ignites colours and enlivens textures, creating a harmonious synergy in your decor.

Imagine neon hues leaping from the dark background or copper accents casting captivating shadows. In luxury homes, charcoal walls serve as silent anchors, grounding every element meticulously. In condos, they create an illusion of spaciousness, making rooms feel inviting.

Choosing the best room paint colour is a journey of emotion as much as hue. Chic charcoal isn’t just a colour; it’s an attitude—a statement of sophistication and boldness. It’s for those who understand that true luxury is felt, not just seen. In this colour, you discover more than a shade; you find a reflection of your complex, confident, and unapologetically chic persona.

Serene Blue: A Tranquil Touch

Creating a Calming Bedroom Oasis

Step into a realm where calm reigns supreme, a sanctum bathed in serene blue. Envision your bedroom, not as a mere sleeping quarter but as a tranquil retreat from life’s relentless cacophony. Here, the walls don’t just don a colour; they embrace a soothing persona, offering solace to the weary soul. This serene blue isn’t a mere pigment; it’s a therapeutic embrace, a gentle whisper that calms the storm within.

In this Oakville luxury home, the bedroom transcends the ordinary. It becomes a haven where serenity is not just an aesthetic choice but a lifestyle. The colour blue, often evocative of the clear skies or the gentle sea, brings a slice of nature’s tranquility right into your personal space. It’s not just about resting your body; it’s about soothing your mind, enveloping your senses in an ocean of calm.

Complementary Décor Tips

To augment this serene sanctuary, consider the tactile pleasures of soft linens. These are not just beddings; they are the weavings of your nightly dreams, soft to the touch, gentle on the skin, and soothing to the soul. Choose fabrics that whisper luxury, that caress with every thread, adding a layer of comfort to the serene backdrop.

Lighting plays a pivotal role in this serene narrative. Opt for subtle lighting fixtures that mimic the gentle luminescence of a moonlit sky or the soft glow of the morning sun. It’s about creating an ambiance that resonates with the tranquility of serene blue walls, a synergy that amplifies the room’s calming essence.

And then, there’s the art of accessorizing. In an Oakville luxury home, each decor element is a statement of elegance and refinement. Choose accents that resonate with the theme of tranquility — be it a minimalist painting that captures the vastness of the sea or a delicate sculpture that embodies the fluidity of water. These aren’t mere decorations; they are extensions of the serene theme, tangible manifestations of tranquility.

In this serene blue bedroom, every element collaborates in a symphony of calm. From the plushness of the carpet beneath your feet to the gentle sway of sheer curtains, everything converges to create a sanctuary where peace reigns supreme. This Oakville luxury homes bedroom isn’t just a room; it’s an experience, a journey into tranquility, a rendezvous with serenity.

Remember, in the world of luxury homes, every colour, every fabric, and every light fixture tells a story. In this serene blue bedroom, the narrative is clear — it’s a tale of tranquility, a soothing sonnet sung in the language of luxury and calm.

Elegant Ivory: Timeless and Tasteful

Amplifying Natural Light

In the ever-evolving palette of interior design, ivory stands out as the chameleon of the colour spectrum. This hue doesn’t just reflect light; it dances with it, creating a luminous ballet that makes spaces not just appear, but also feel more expansive. Picture the gentle morning light cascading through a window, its rays gently caressed by ivory walls, turning every room in Hamilton homes for sale into a canvas of warmth and openness. This colour’s magic lies in its ability to merge the quaint allure of old-school aesthetics with a crisp, modern twist.

Ivory is no mere colour; it’s a light magician, conjuring illusions of grandeur in spaces that might otherwise feel confined. In Hamilton’s real estate market, where the interplay of space and light is a crucial selling point, ivory appears as a strategic ally, transforming homes into luminous havens that beckon with an inviting glow.

Blending with Classic and Contemporary Styles

The true genius of ivory in the realm of interior design is its unparalleled versatility. This elegant hue seamlessly melds with both classic and contemporary styles, making it a perennial favourite in the diverse Hamilton real estate scene. In a rustic abode, ivory brings a soft, refined touch that enhances the home’s inherent coziness without overshadowing its traditional charm. Its gentle presence complements the rugged textures and natural materials, creating a harmonious blend of old-world warmth and contemporary elegance.

In a modern minimalist Hamilton home, ivory stands as a silent protagonist amidst the stark lines and bold colours. It softens the sharpness of modern design, adding a layer of subtlety and sophistication. The colour serves as a serene canvas, against which contemporary furniture and avant-garde art pieces can proudly stand out. It’s this chameleon-like ability to adapt and accentuate the surrounding elements that makes ivory a darling in the design world.

Moreover, ivory’s adaptability extends beyond style boundaries, playing well with a wide array of colour schemes. It can act as a quiet background for bold colours or join forces with other neutral shades to create a soothing, monochromatic palette. In Hamilton homes for sale, where personal taste varies widely, ivory offers a universally appealing backdrop that potential buyers can easily envision as their own.

In the fast-paced world of real estate, where first impressions can make or break a sale, ivory-coloured interiors offer a timeless elegance that appeals to a wide audience. Its ability to amplify natural light and blend with various décor styles makes it a wise choice for sellers looking to create a memorable and inviting space. Elegant, versatile, and endlessly adaptable, ivory isn’t just a colour choice—it’s a strategic decision in the art of home presentation.

Sage Green: The Nature-Inspired Choice

Invoking Outdoor Beauty in Kitchens and Baths

In the realm of interior design, where colours speak louder than words, sage green emerges as nature’s own whisper. This hue, reminiscent of serene forests and tranquil meadows, brings the essence of the outdoors right into the heart of your home. In the kitchens and bathrooms, spaces often relegated to mere functionality, sage green transforms them into sanctuaries of calm and rejuvenation.

Imagine starting your day in a kitchen drenched in the soft, soothing tones of sage green. As you sip your morning brew, the walls around you emanate a gentle, calming energy, akin to a peaceful walk in a verdant forest. This colour isn’t just a choice; it’s an experience, a daily communion with nature’s serene spirit.

In the bathroom, sage green turns routine into ritual. As you immerse in a warm bath, the earthy walls echo the tranquil ambiance of a natural spring. This isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about creating a space where relaxation reigns, where each moment is infused with the tranquility of the great outdoors.

Accessorizing with Organic Elements

To amplify the natural allure of sage green, the magic lies in the art of accessorizing. Picture this: sleek wooden fixtures, their grain patterns as unique as fingerprints, adding a touch of rustic elegance to your kitchen. These elements aren’t just functional; they’re fragments of nature, bringing an organic warmth to the cool sage backdrop.

In bathrooms, imagine stone countertops, their surfaces a mosaic of earth’s artistry, complementing the sage walls. Each stone, with its intricate patterns and subtle hues, tells a story, a reminder of the rugged beauty of the natural world.

The synergy of sage green with these organic elements creates a narrative of balance and harmony. It’s a design philosophy that celebrates the beauty of the natural world, blending it with the comforts of modern living. In this space, every fixture, every surface, becomes a testament to the elegance of simplicity, a homage to the timeless beauty of nature.

In conclusion, sage green is more than just a colour; it’s a statement. It declares a love for nature, a desire for tranquility, and a commitment to bringing the serenity of the outdoors into our daily lives. Whether it’s the refreshing ambiance of a sage-green kitchen or the calming retreat of a sage-hued bathroom, this colour transforms spaces into havens of natural beauty and peace. In a world that moves at breakneck speed, sage green offers a moment of respite, a breath of fresh air, a touch of nature’s timeless grace.

Soft Yellow: A Splash of Sunshine

Soft yellow, the herald of happiness, transforms entryways into welcoming embraces and dining areas into cheerful gatherings. It’s not just a colour; it’s the embodiment of warmth. When used strategically in your home décor, soft yellow can bring a refreshing burst of energy to these spaces, creating an inviting and uplifting atmosphere.

Energizing Entryways

Your entryway is the first impression guests have of your home. It sets the tone for what lies beyond, and soft yellow can help create a positive and inviting atmosphere. Whether it’s a front foyer or a hallway, incorporating soft yellow hues into the walls or accent pieces can instantly brighten up the space. It creates a sense of openness and warmth, making guests feel immediately welcomed. Pair it with natural light and some greenery, and you have a winning combination that exudes vibrancy and life. 

Cheerful Dining Areas

Dining areas are where families and friends come together to share meals and create memories. Soft yellow can infuse these spaces with a joyful ambiance. Paint the walls in a soft yellow shade to create a backdrop that’s both invigorating and soothing. Alternatively, incorporate soft yellow through furniture, such as chairs or a dining table, to add a playful pop of colour. The soft yellow tones stimulate appetite and encourage lively conversation, making every meal a delightful experience.

Harmonizing with Neutral Furnishings

Pairing soft yellow with neutral furnishings creates a harmonious balance that is both lively and soothing. Neutral colours like beige, ivory, or gray act as a backdrop, allowing the soft yellow to shine through without overpowering the space. Opt for neutral-coloured furniture pieces, such as sofas or rugs, and accessorize with soft yellow accents like throw pillows, curtains, or artwork. This combination creates a versatile environment that can easily be updated in the future by simply changing out the accent pieces.

Additionally, soft yellow pairs well with other vibrant colours, allowing you to experiment with different colour schemes. For a fresh and modern look, combine soft yellow with crisp whites and pops of aqua or mint green. For a more traditional feel, pair it with rich, earthy tones like deep browns or burnt oranges. The versatility of soft yellow opens up endless possibilities for creating a space that reflects your personal style and elevates your mood.

Soft yellow is a fantastic choice for energizing entryways and dining areas. It’s warm and inviting nature instantly makes guests feel at home, while also infusing these spaces with a splash of sunshine. When paired with neutral furnishings, soft yellow creates a balanced and lively environment that can be easily personalized. So go ahead, embrace the happiness and warmth that soft yellow brings, and let it transform your entryways and dining areas into spaces that radiate positivity.

Rich Navy: A Bold Statement

Transforming Small Spaces into Luxurious Nooks

Navy, the aristocrat of colours, turns nooks and crannies into regal retreats. It’s for those spaces that whisper, “there’s more to me than meets the eye.” When you think of navy, you may envision it as a traditional colour for large, grandiose rooms. However, this deep, rich hue can work wonders in small spaces, elevating them to a whole new level of sophistication.

Small rooms often struggle to make an impact, but navy changes the game entirely. Its intense depth adds an air of drama and mystery, instantly transforming even the tiniest nooks into luxurious hideaways. Whether it’s a compact reading corner, a cozy alcove, or a petite powder room, navy injects a sense of grandeur that commands attention.

Balancing with Light Textures

Balance is key when using navy in small spaces. While it’s a bold and powerful colour, it can overwhelm if not paired with the right elements. One way to achieve balance is by incorporating light textures or metallic accents into the design.

Imagine a small bedroom with navy walls adorned with sheer, billowing curtains. The softness and transparency of the curtains provide a delicate contrast to the deep, moody navy, creating an atmosphere of tranquility and elegance. Adding metallic elements, such as a gilded mirror or a shimmering chandelier, further enhances the richness of the navy while adding a touch of glamour and luminosity.

In a compact living room, navy can be used on an accent wall, combined with light-coloured furniture and accessories. The juxtaposition of the dark navy against the lighter elements creates a visually striking and captivating space. Consider incorporating plush, textured throw pillows or a cozy faux fur rug to soften the overall look and invite guests to sink into the comfort of the room.

Navy also works wonders in small bathrooms. Picture a petite powder room with navy subway tiles adorning the walls, paired with a gleaming white pedestal sink and gold accents. This combination of dark and light creates a luxurious, spa-like ambiance that makes a bold statement in a limited space.

The versatility of navy extends beyond paint. Consider using navy-coloured furniture or cabinetry to anchor a small office or a compact kitchen. This deep, soothing hue adds a touch of sophistication and elegance to the space, while providing a sense of depth and richness. Pair it with light-coloured countertops, sleek hardware, and open shelving to create a harmonious balance between boldness and airiness.

In conclusion, navy is the ultimate colour for making a bold statement in small spaces. Its deep, regal allure instantly elevates any nook or cranny into a luxurious retreat. By balancing navy with light textures or metallic accents, you can create an opulent yet inviting space that exudes both grandeur and intimacy. So, don’t be afraid to embrace the power of navy and let it transform your small spaces into extraordinary havens.


Reinforcing the Impact of Strategic Colour Choices

These six hues aren’t just colours; they’re strategic choices, each a brushstroke in the masterpiece that is your home. When it comes to real estate, every detail matters, and the colours you choose can have a significant impact on the overall appeal and value of your property. By understanding the psychology behind colours and their effects on human emotions, you can create a space that is not only visually stunning but also evokes the right feelings in potential buyers.

Leaving a Lasting Impression on Potential Buyers

In the end, it’s about leaving a lasting impression, one that turns a “maybe” into a resounding “yes” and a modest offer into a lucrative deal. The power of colour in real estate cannot be underestimated. These colours don’t just paint walls; they paint fortunes. They have the ability to transform a dull space into a captivating oasis, a plain room into a cozy retreat, and a cold house into a warm and inviting home.

By strategically selecting the right colours for your property, you can create an atmosphere that appeals to a wide range of buyers, maximizing your chances of a quick and profitable sale. Whether it’s the vibrant energy of red, the calming serenity of blue, or the sophistication of gray, each colour has its own unique allure that can attract buyers and make your property stand out from the competition.

So, don’t underestimate the power of colour when it comes to selling your home. Whether it’s a Burlington Waterfront Condo or Oakville Luxury Homes, embrace the potential of these strategic colour choices and watch as they work their magic, helping you achieve your real estate goals and turning your property into a masterpiece that commands attention and drives lucrative deals.


10 Top Reno’s That Will Up the Sale Price of Your Home

When getting ready to sell your home, it can be hard to know what renovations will get your property sold the fastest and for the most amount of money. Should you replace your furnace or redo your kitchen? Should you gut your bathroom or add another one? Should you get your roof done or buy new appliances?

Or you might wonder what the small inexpensive things you can do that will make a substantial difference to upgrading your home.

And of course, most importantly, how much money are you going to recoup on the listing price if you do make the investment?

Below is a list of your most worthwhile renovations when it comes to getting your home ready for the market.


Return: 100% +

Painting is one of the easiest, fastest and cheapest ways to get your home ready for the market. And the best part is that you might actually make money by doing it! Most painting jobs add more than 100% back of what it costs to the list price, so it is well worth your time to push your furniture to the centre of the room and add a fresh coat of paint to your home.

And remember when it comes to getting your home ready to sell, you want it to be neutral, clean and modern. Painting a living room or a bedroom a bright or unusual colour may suit your tastes but won’t necessarily suit those of your prospective buyers.

Garage Doors

Return: 98%

Curb appeal is huge when it comes to buying and selling real estate. So getting the outside of your home in tip top shape can lure in the most amount of buyers.

Simple things like landscaping or new potted plants can aid in the outside appeal of your home but one of the biggest things you can do with almost 100% return is replace your garage doors.

As they make up a large percentage of the outside of your home, and are one of the main points of view when driving up to your house, having them in perfect condition will do wonders to the perceived state of your property.

And the best part is you will likely get very close to if not all of your money back on it! It’s a win win for both buyer and seller.

Entry Door

Return: 91%

It seems like a minor upgrade but can make a huge difference when getting your home ready for the market. Again, as with painting, you will want to look for neutral colours that blend well with the outside facade of your home. You want clean lines and a fresh feel to your front porch, as prospective buyers first impressions are crucial.

Additional Square Footage

Return: 70%-80%

Most homeowners want more space. And adding an additional room or two will make your home a lot more appealing on the market. Plus you get a large percentage of the investment back. So if your home is on the smaller side, especially when it comes to comparables, then it might make sense to add additional space.

And, a 2005 study for the National Association of Realtors found that every 1,000 square feet, upped a homes sale price by 30% or more.

Bathroom Addition

Return: 60%

You have two options when it comes to bathrooms, you can renovate the one you have or add an additional one. For most families, one bathroom might be a deal breaker, so from both a logical and financial perspective, it would make the most sense to add an additional bathroom.

Do your research and find out how many bathrooms are in the other homes in the area. If you are one less than the average on the market, then it will be a deterrent for buyers to view your property.

Minor Kitchen Remodel

Return: 81%

There is a big difference between a minor and a major kitchen remodel. Most minor kitchen remodeling with run you around twenty to twenty five thousand and a major one could be double that. And doing the lower end of the remodeling can still leave you with a really nice kitchen.

Minor remodeling includes new countertops, cupboards, flooring and fixtures. Larger ones would mean replacing appliances, light fixtures, sinks and refacing cabinets.

Ikea does beautiful kitchens which are quite modern for a substantial amount less than the average kitchen remodel. Something to check out if you kitchen is going to hurt you on the sellers market.

Bathroom Remodel

Return: 70%

Women love beautiful kitchens and bathrooms. And although it might make more sense to add a bathroom than to remodel one, if you already have a sufficient number of bathrooms, then remodeling the ones that need it most might be money well spent.

Most articles will tell you to forgo the tub and get a walk in shower, this adds space to the bathroom and as long as there is at least one tub in the home, most people do use them unless they have young kids.

Replacement Roof

Return: 68%

Being able to add ‘new roof’ to your listing can add a lot more credit than you think. And you may only recoup the cost of close to 70% of the expense, but have a worn out or leaking roof can deter buyers and leave you house sitting on the market.

And remember, the function of your home is going to be buyers top priority, so best replace the room than the kitchen counter if the roof is not in good condition.

Adding a Deck

Return: 70%

Your home may already have a deck in which case replacing the wood or refurbishing it, may be all you need to do. But if you do not have a deck and decide to put one on your home before you sell, then you will likely get close to three quarters of the cost back. And any additional space that has been added to your home is going to increase the value.

Finished Basement

Return: 70%

In the article Finished Basements Add Space and Home Value they recommend that you shouldn’t spend more than 10% of the value of your home and better to stay between 5% – 10% refinishing a basement.

But as with adding square footage or a deck, a finished basement adds livable space to a home that is a big part of buyers decision making when looking for what fits their needs.

Again, assess the market, and see if it makes the most sense in terms of where to put your money for upgrades.


When selling your home, you have to think like a buyer. And as you are likely going to be purchasing a home after you sell the one you currently live in, you know what is most important to you.

A beautiful kitchen is not going to make up for a broken furnace or a leaking roof. One beautiful bathroom will not make up for the overall lack of bathrooms.

Make a real assessment of your property and what actually needs to be done. Make sure you are not overlooking the simple things like curb appeal and that you’re prioritizing function over aesthetic.

And remember, most buyers plan to do upgrades themselves once they move into a new home, so don’t overemphasize how it looks over the actual structure.

Also, note that the percentage you get back is based on a number of factors including the price of your home, the average price of the neighborhood, the city you live in and how hot the market is. Assess what needs to be done in your home and opt for the projects that you are going to make the most amount of money back on.

The Paint Colors that can Boost Your Homes Value
These 15 Home Renovations Have The Highest Return on Investment
Which Home Improvements Pay Off?
Deck Building: What Will Be Your Return On Investment?
Finished Basements Add Space and Home Value


Should I Rent or Buy a Home?

Purchasing a home will inevitably be the biggest financial discussion of your life. And the decision as to whether it is the right time to purchase a home depends on a number of factors. And it is not just your finances.

Although your finances are important, other things you should consider before putting in an offer are your age, the current real estate and mortgage market and of course where you see yourself in the future.

So should you rent or purchase a home? Find out by asking yourself the following questions.

What are your future plans?

In the short term, renting is always cheaper. There are substantially less costs involved in renting, and normally just comprise of first and last months, a monthly hydro bill and maybe the actual expense to move.

Where if you decide to purchase a home there are a number of costs involved. Even once you are able to save the deposit you will need to save an additional amount to pay the costs of purchasing.

Other costs include land transfer taxes, lawyers fees and potentially closing costs. And once you do move in, your monthly bills will likely be more than if you were renting.

It is best to calculate how long you plan to stay where you are. If you plan to stay indefinitely, then purchasing is your best decision. If you plan to stay for only a few years, then renting may be substantially cheaper.

There are scenarios where this may not be the case. If you are purchasing in a large metropolitan city or in the surrounding areas of one, there is a chance that the market could go up substantially in a couple years time, in which case you would have made money. But no one knows for sure what the market is going to do, so it is best to take the risk you feel most comfortable with.

How old are you?

If you are still in your twenties you may end up relocating due to relationships or career opportunities. In which case renting would give you more flexibility than purchasing.

If you are in your thirties and are in a longer term relationship and are more established in your career, then purchasing may be a better option.

As well, most people spend their twenties saving so they can purchase in their thirties. But the sooner you know where you want to live and who you want to be with, the sooner you should purchase.

How much does it really cost?

There are a number of fees that come with home ownership. And as we have gone over a few already, it is best to run the numbers yourself so you have a better idea of how much it would cost to purchase vs rent.

Fees to purchase include saving the deposit, which is usually about 20% of the purchase price of the home. Lawyers fees, land transfer fees, closing costs if the home your purchased is new build and moving expenses including moving trucks.

You will have to furnish the new home, you may need to purchase window treatments and do any needed renovations or repairs.

And of course, your carrying costs. With renting you normally just pay your landlord once a month and then possibly a hydro bill and or tenant insurance. But when you own a home you will have to pay your mortgage, property taxes, maintenance fees if it is a condominium and any additional bills like hydro and insurance. You will also need to put some money away on a monthly basis to save for future repair or maintenance of the home including replacing the roof or furnace.

Depending on how much you have saved to put down on the property and how much rent is in the city, you would have to run the numbers yourself to see what makes sense. But make sure you consider the amount of buying vs renting in the long run and the costs associated with each.

Are you in high interest debt?

If you have car loans, credit card debt or any other debt that has a high interest rate, it may make more financial sense to pay that off and then save up for the deposit for a home.

Buy taking out a mortgage when you are already in a substantial amount of debt, may be putting yourself in a worst financial situation.

And the likelihood of getting a mortgage or a mortgage with a good interest rate, will be lower if you already have a number of loans.

Take care of the debt you are in, and then sign off on the big mortgage loan.

Do you have the deposit saved?

If you do not have between 10% and 20% of the purchase price of the home saved then your monthly payments will be a substantially lot more. Putting down as much as you can will keep your carrying costs lower.

As well, if you do not have at least 20% saved, you will likely have to insure your mortgage which can up your monthly payments.

Assess your current savings, see how long it will take you to save a deposit, and start looking once you have it saved.

Another option, if you feel comfortable, is asking your parents to lend you a certain percentage towards the price and paying them back a certain amount every month, so you can sooner get into the market.

Run the numbers and know what makes the most sense for you.

Is your job stable?

How many years have you been in your job? Do you plan to stay in the field you are in? These are the types of questions you should be asking yourself when thinking about purchasing.

If you are happy in your line of work, you plan to stay in the city you are in and you are confident that your job is stable, then purchasing is likely your best bet.

But if you are in a line of work that involves contract, seasonal work or if you have just started your job or would consider moving somewhere else, then you should hold off on purchasing until you are more decisive.


It may seem like the obvious choice to build equity and bank in on future appreciation, but purchasing may not always be your best option.

If you are just starting out in your career, have other debts, have not saved a sufficient deposit, are not established in your line of work or might consider moving, then you might want to consider renting until you are in a more stable and confident position about the future.


Multi-Generational Homes: Is this the Answer?

Canada is experiencing a housing crisis characterized by skyrocketing home prices, limited availability, and affordability issues. One potential solution gaining attention is multigenerational housing, where multiple generations of a family share a single home. While this arrangement is often proposed as a way to address housing shortages and financial pressures, it raises the question: will it alleviate the crisis or make it worse? Additionally, is multigenerational living the right solution for everyone? This article explores the pros and cons of this trend and its implications for Canadian cities such as Hamilton, Burlington, and Oakville.

Understanding Multigenerational Housing

Multigenerational housing involves multiple generations of a family living under one roof, a trend common in Canadian cities with significant newcomer populations and high housing costs. Key cities with notable multigenerational living include:

  • Brampton: About 28% of households are multigenerational, driven by a large population of new Canadians.

  • Markham: Approximately 23% of households are multigenerational, reflecting its diverse population.

  • Hamilton: Multigenerational households make up 10% of homes, typically housing grandparents, parents, and children.

  • Greater Toronto Area (GTA): Around 17% of households are multigenerational, with this arrangement becoming increasingly common.

The Pros
  • Cost Savings: Sharing housing expenses reduces the financial burden. For instance, in Markham, families might split the mortgage and utility bills among working adults.

  • Support System: Living with family provides a built-in support network. In Brampton, grandparents might help with childcare.

  • Efficient Use of Space: Multigenerational homes utilize available land more efficiently, reducing environmental impact. A single large house in Abbotsford-Mission might accommodate three generations.

  • Stronger Family Bonds: Regular interaction strengthens family relationships. In the GTA, families might enjoy frequent shared meals and activities.

  • Shared Responsibilities: Household duties can be distributed among family members. In Hamilton, one person might cook while another handles grocery shopping.

The Cons
  • Privacy Issues: Sharing a home with multiple generations can lead to a lack of privacy and personal space, as a young adult in Oakville might find it challenging to have personal time.

  • Interpersonal Conflicts: Differences in lifestyles and values can cause conflicts. In Burlington, differing opinions on household rules could lead to tensions.

  • Higher Property Prices: Shared income can lead to higher mortgage values, pushing up home prices. In Brampton, demand for larger homes to accommodate multigenerational families has driven up property prices.

  • Infrastructure Strain: Increased population density can strain infrastructure and public services. Markham has seen higher demand for transportation, healthcare, and sanitation services due to multigenerational housing.

  • Higher Cost of Living: Enhanced infrastructure and services to support a denser population can increase the overall cost of living. In the GTA, higher property taxes might result from funding infrastructure improvements.

Read: Is Co-Buying Real Estate Right for You? A Guide for Young Ontarians Facing the Real Estate Crunch

Impact on Housing Prices

One significant drawback of multigenerational housing is its impact on home prices. As multiple generations pool resources, they can afford higher mortgage values, driving up property prices. This phenomenon is evident in cities like Brampton, Markham, and the GTA, where the demand for larger homes has caused house prices to skyrocket and strained infrastructure.

Infrastructure and Public Services

The strain on infrastructure and public services is another critical issue. Cities like Brampton and Markham face increased demands on transportation, healthcare, and sanitation services, necessitating significant investments in infrastructure and leading to higher property taxes.


While multigenerational housing offers benefits like cost savings, a robust support system, and efficient use of space, it also presents challenges such as privacy concerns, interpersonal conflicts, higher property prices, infrastructure strain, and increased living costs. For cities like Burlington and Oakville, adopting multigenerational housing requires caution and strategic planning.

The shared income model, while beneficial for individual families, can drive up home prices and property taxes, making it difficult for first-time buyers and those without multigenerational families nearby to enter the market. It can also strain infrastructure and public services, increasing the cost of living and causing social issues. Though multigenerational homes work for some, they aren’t a universal solution to Canada’s housing crisis. Policymakers must consider various solutions, like affordable housing initiatives, zoning reforms, and infrastructure investments, prior to considering large scale multi-generational development.


Top 10 Reasons to Hire a Real Estate Agent


When it comes to making one of the most significant decisions of your life, such as buying or selling a home, having the right guidance and expertise can make all the difference. I’m Robert Budnikas, a seasoned real estate agent with nearly two decades of experience in the real estate market, serving the communities of Burlington, Hamilton, Milton, and Oakville. My passion is taking your real estate experience to the MAX, and I’m here to share the top benefits of working with me to help you achieve your real estate goals. Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer, an empty nester, looking to upsize, downsize, or an investor, I’ve got you covered.

Let’s explore the 10 outstanding advantages of collaborating with me, Robert Budnikas, your trusted real estate agent:

1. Better Access to Homes:

I know the local real estate market inside and out. While many properties are listed online for everyone to see, some sellers prefer privacy for various reasons. As your real estate agent, I can provide you with exclusive access to hidden gems that might have otherwise eluded you. Don’t miss out on the perfect home; let me guide you through the process.

2. Expert Negotiation:

My experience allows me to spot potential issues with a property that others might overlook. I’ll conduct a detailed assessment and, if necessary, negotiate on your behalf. Whether it’s convincing the seller to make repairs or adjusting the price to accommodate future renovations, I’ll work tirelessly to secure the best deal for you. Emotions often run high during real estate transactions, but with me by your side, you can stay level-headed and get what you deserve.

3. Paperwork, Paperwork, Paperwork:

Real estate transactions involve a significant amount of paperwork, including deeds, bills of sale, affidavits, and more. I will ensure that all necessary documents are properly handled, signed, and organized. Even after the sale, I’ll keep your paperwork on file for years, so you can reach out with any questions or concerns. With me, you’ll have peace of mind throughout the process.

4. Save Money:

I bring extensive knowledge of neighbourhoods and home values to the table. I can estimate a home’s value as soon as I walk through the door. This expertise helps me guide you toward listings that align with your goals while avoiding those that won’t. Save time and money by partnering with me, and let’s find your dream home at the right price.

5. Guidance and Support:

Buying a home can be an emotional and overwhelming journey. I’ll be there to provide guidance and support at every step. I’ll help you evaluate homes based on your needs and budget, ensuring you make the right decisions. With my expertise, you’ll feel confident throughout the process, securing a home that benefits you and your family for years to come.

6. Finding the Right Homes:

If you’re looking for something unique in your future home, I know where to find it. Whether it’s customized pet bedrooms, stunning backyard landscapes, open-concept kitchens, or vintage-style fireplaces, I can locate the property that suits your specific requirements. I won’t waste your time or money; your dream home is out there, and I’ll help you find it.

7. Avoid Closing Issues:

In the final stages of a real estate transaction, unforeseen problems can arise. My experience allows me to anticipate issues and resolve them promptly. Whether it’s document errors, mortgage delays, last-minute requests, unclear titles, or final walkthrough problems, I’ve got your back. I’m part of a reputable and knowledgeable team that ensures a smooth closing process.

8. Market Insights:

I will provide you with valuable insights into the local real estate market in Burlington, Hamilton, Milton, and Oakville. Whether you’re buying, selling, or investing, understanding the current market conditions is crucial. I’ll keep you informed about trends, pricing, and opportunities so you can make informed decisions.

9. Personalized Approach:

My commitment to your unique needs sets me apart. I take the time to understand your real estate goals and tailor my services accordingly. Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer, an empty nester, an investor, or someone looking to upsize or downsize, I have the expertise to guide you to success.

10. A Trusted Network:

Over my extensive career, I’ve built a network of trusted professionals in the real estate industry. Whether you need legal guidance, mortgage advice, or home inspection services, I can connect you with the best experts. You’ll have access to a reliable team that ensures a seamless and stress-free real estate experience.

Call or text me today, and let’s begin your real estate journey together. Regardless of your real estate needs, whether you’re looking for something bigger, more modern, or an open-concept design, I’m here to assist you. Your dream home is just a call or text away – say, “HeyRob, I need your help!” Let’s make your real estate goals a reality.


How to Sell your Home in Winter: The Benefits You Need to Know

Believe it or not, winter and snow are just around the corner. Hey there, everyone! Rob here, your friendly neighbourhood real estate expert. Today, I want to talk about something that might surprise you – selling homes in the winter. It’s a question I get asked a lot from home owners and first-time homebuyers.

You see, selling your home in the winter isn’t just a good idea; it can be a brilliant one. In this article, I’ll break down some of the key benefits of selling your home during the colder months. It’s really that simple! So, let’s dive in and explore why winter might just be the perfect time to make your move.

Less Competition, More Attention

One of the most significant advantages of selling in the winter is that there’s typically less competition. Many sellers wait for the spring and summer, thinking that’s the best time to list their homes. But here’s the secret: when your home hits the market in the winter, it stands out. With fewer homes available, your property can get more attention from potential buyers.

Motivated Buyers

Winter buyers are often highly motivated. They’re not out there casually browsing; they mean business. Whether they’re first-time homebuyers, empty nesters, or upsizing clients, they’re serious about finding a new place to call home. This motivation can translate into quicker sales and potentially even better offers.

Showcase Your Home’s Winter Charm

Winter can make your home look cozy and inviting. The warmth and comfort of a well-heated house, a crackling fireplace, and holiday decorations can create a charming atmosphere that’s hard to replicate during the warmer months. Highlight these features when presenting your home to potential buyers. First-time buyers, especially, might fall in love with the idea of spending their first winter in your beautiful, cozy home.

Faster Decision Making

In the winter, the urgency is real. Buyers want to settle in before the holidays, which means they’re more likely to make decisions faster. They might be relocating due to work and have been searching for a while and are eager to purchase. This can reduce the time your property spends on the market and can lead to a quicker and smoother transaction.

Increased Visibility

Think of it this way: if there are ten houses for sale in a neighbourhood during the summer, your home is just one of many options. However, in the winter, when only two or three houses are available, your home gets a more significant share of the spotlight. Potential buyers are more likely to find your property because there are fewer distractions. With less competition, your listing appears more prominently in search results, both online and with real estate agents. This increased visibility can lead to more showings and, ultimately, more offers.


To conclude, when you sell your home in the winter, you take advantage of the reduced competition. With fewer homes on the market, your property gains a unique position in the spotlight. Buyers pay more attention to your listing because they have fewer distractions and more motivation to find a home quickly. It’s an opportunity to stand out, attract serious buyers, and potentially sell your home faster and at a more favourable price.

So, if you’re thinking about making a move in the winter, remember, less competition can mean more attention for your property. Let’s turn this winter season into a winning season for your real estate goals.


Living Well on Less: 7 Effective Ways to Trim Your Monthly Home Expenses

Managing monthly home expenses is a crucial aspect of maintaining a healthy financial life. Whether you are a homeowner or a renter, finding ways to trim your expenses can free up extra funds for savings or other essential needs. In this article, we will explore seven effective strategies to reduce your monthly home expenses without sacrificing your quality of life. By implementing these tips, you can take control of your finances and create a more sustainable and comfortable living situation. Let’s dive in and discover how small changes can make a big difference in your monthly budget.

Smart Shopping and Meal Planning

Smart shopping and meal planning are efficient strategies for trimming grocery expenses while preserving meal quality and variety. These practices help you save money, minimize food waste, and optimize your budget.

By adopting these strategies, you gain better control over your grocery expenses. Creating a detailed shopping list before heading to the store eliminates impulse purchases, ensuring you only buy what you need and preventing overspending.

To further economize, shop with a budget in mind. Set your weekly or monthly spending limit, prioritizing essential items and avoiding unnecessary splurges.
Make the most of coupons and discounts to reduce your grocery bill. Weekly store flyers, coupon websites, and loyalty programs provide access to deals on your regular purchases, significantly lowering overall grocery costs.

Meal planning is integral to smart shopping. It enables you to create a comprehensive grocery list tailored to specific recipes, minimizing food waste and saving money.
Consider batch cooking for time and cost efficiency. Preparing larger meal portions and freezing individual servings maximizes ingredient use and provides convenient ready-made meals for busy days.

Watch out for additional fees when using food and grocery delivery services, as recent studies have found these services can add fees ranging from 15-35% to each bill. Reducing your reliance on them helps avoid unnecessary costs.

Incorporating smart shopping and meal planning into your routine results in substantial savings, reduces food waste, and enhances your grocery shopping experience. Maintaining budget awareness, taking advantage of discounts, and planning your meals allow you to regain control over your grocery expenses while relishing delicious and nutritious dishes.

Energy Efficiency and Conservation

Energy usage significantly influences monthly utility bills. Homeowners can lower their energy consumption and save money by enhancing energy efficiency and adopting conservation practices.

Investing in energy-efficient appliances is an effective method. These appliances use less energy while maintaining performance standards. Seek out appliances with an Energy Star rating, signifying adherence to strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the Environmental Protection Agency.

Another straightforward but impactful step is transitioning to LED lighting. LED bulbs consume significantly less energy than traditional incandescent ones and have longer lifespans. Replacing incandescent bulbs with LEDs across your home trims energy use and reduces electricity bills.

Additionally, homeowners can adopt energy conservation habits. Turning off lights and electronics when not in use, adjusting thermostat settings, and utilizing programmable thermostats efficiently regulate indoor temperatures, reducing the need for excessive heating or cooling.

Energy conservation isn’t just financially beneficial; it also aids the environment. Decreasing energy consumption collectively reduces greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to climate change mitigation.

Incorporating energy-efficient appliances, LED lighting, and conservation habits creates a more sustainable and cost-effective home environment. It’s a win-win scenario for both your finances and the planet.

Minimizing Water Usage

Water conservation is crucial, not only for the environment but also to reduce water bills. Making a conscious effort to minimize water usage contributes to a sustainable future.

Fixing leaks promptly is highly effective in reducing water consumption. Even small leaks can waste significant amounts of water over time. Regularly checking for leaks in faucets, toilets, and pipes and repairing them can save gallons of water daily.

Installing low-flow fixtures is another simple yet effective water-saving method. These fixtures use less water without sacrificing functionality. Replacing older faucets, showerheads, and toilets with low-flow alternatives reduces water usage while maintaining comfort.

Adjusting outdoor watering schedules is vital for water conservation. Watering during early morning or late evening minimizes evaporation and ensures efficient root watering. Using drip irrigation systems or soaker hoses instead of sprinklers significantly reduces water waste.

Incorporating daily water-saving habits also matters. Shorter showers, turning off the faucet when brushing teeth or washing dishes, and running the dishwasher or washing machine with full loads save gallons of water daily.

For gardening, opt for drought-resistant plants and use mulch to retain moisture, reducing the need for frequent watering. Collecting rainwater in barrels for plant watering is another eco-friendly practice.

Implementing these water-saving strategies contributes to preserving this vital resource for future generations while reducing water bills. Let’s collectively work towards minimizing water usage and building a more sustainable future.

DIY Home Maintenance: Save Money and Keep Your Home in Top Shape

DIY home maintenance empowers you to save money and preserve your property without relying on professionals. Not only does this approach provide a sense of accomplishment, but it also grants you greater control over your home’s upkeep.

A significant benefit of DIY home maintenance is cost-effectiveness. By handling basic tasks yourself, you sidestep expenses associated with hiring contractors or service providers. Regular maintenance further prevents costly repairs by addressing issues promptly.

To get started, consider some easily manageable DIY tasks. Regularly replacing air filters is essential for maintaining indoor air quality and HVAC efficiency. It’s a straightforward process – remove the old filter and install a new one.

Caulking windows is another task to include in your DIY maintenance routine. Over time, caulk can degrade, leading to drafts and energy loss. Replacing caulk around windows enhances insulation and prevents air leaks. Ensure you remove old caulk, clean the area thoroughly, and apply fresh caulk with a caulking gun.

For effective DIY home maintenance, equip yourself with essential tools like a screwdriver set, pliers, a wrench, a utility knife, and a ladder. Additionally, numerous online resources and video tutorials provide step-by-step guidance for various home maintenance tasks.

By embracing DIY home maintenance, you save money and take proactive ownership of your home. With some time and effort, you’ll maintain your property’s value and ensure it remains in top shape for years to come. 

Cutting Cable and Streaming Costs

In recent years, the costs of cable and streaming services have been on the rise, causing many consumers to look for alternatives. Traditional cable packages can be expensive, and the monthly fees for streaming services can quickly add up. However, there are several options available to help save money on entertainment.

One alternative is streaming services, which offer a wide range of shows and movies at a fraction of the cost of cable. Additionally, free over-the-air TV, accessed through a digital antenna, provides access to local channels without any monthly fees.

To further reduce costs, consider negotiating with cable providers for lower rates or seeking out promotional deals. Many providers are willing to work with customers to retain their business. It’s also worth exploring bundled packages that combine internet, TV, and phone services for potential savings.

By exploring these alternatives and being proactive in seeking out cost-saving opportunities, you can enjoy your favourite shows and movies without breaking the bank.

Renting Out a Spare Room or Property

Renting out a spare room or property is a smart way to boost income and maximize your real estate investment. Whether it’s an extra room in your home or a separate property, becoming a landlord offers financial advantages while helping someone find a place to live.

The primary benefit is the potential for extra income. Rent can cover mortgage payments, property taxes, and other expenses, lightening your financial load. This additional income can be directed towards savings, investments, or even your vacations and home improvements.

However, before you embark on this journey, consider essential factors. Get familiar with local laws and regulations governing rental properties, including requirements like obtaining a rental license and adhering to safety standards. Thoroughly screen potential tenants to ensure they are reliable, responsible, and can pay rent promptly.

When it comes to listing and managing your rental property, numerous platforms and resources simplify the process. Online platforms such as Airbnb, Zillow, and Craigslist make advertising and connecting with potential tenants a breeze, often offering tools for managing bookings, payments, and communication.

Consider using property management software or services to handle tasks like tenant screening, rent collection, and property maintenance. These resources save you time and effort while ensuring a smooth and professional rental experience.

Renting out a spare room or property is a lucrative venture that requires careful planning. By understanding legal requirements, diligently screening tenants, and utilizing available resources, you can successfully generate additional income while offering valuable housing solutions.

Negotiating Lower Bills and Expenses

Negotiating lower bills and expenses can be a powerful way to save money and improve your financial situation. By taking the time to negotiate with service providers, such as cable, internet, and insurance companies, you have the potential to significantly reduce your monthly bills. Here are some benefits and strategies to help you successfully negotiate lower bills and expenses:

One of the primary benefits of negotiating lower bills is the immediate impact it can have on your budget. By securing lower rates or better terms, you can potentially save hundreds or even thousands of dollars each year. This extra money can be used to pay off debt, build your savings, or invest in your future.

When it comes to negotiating with service providers, preparation is key. Start by researching the current rates and promotions offered by their competitors. Armed with this knowledge, you can leverage it during negotiations to negotiate a better deal. Service providers are often willing to offer discounts or incentives to keep you as a customer.

Another effective strategy is to clearly communicate your needs and expectations to the service provider. Be polite but firm, and explain your reasons for wanting a lower bill. Mention any loyalty or long-term customer status you may have, as this can also work in your favour.

Remember to be persistent and willing to explore alternative options. If the initial negotiation doesn’t yield the desired results, ask to speak with a supervisor or consider switching to a competitor. Service providers often have retention departments that are trained to offer special deals to keep customers from cancelling their services.

In conclusion, negotiating lower bills and expenses can lead to significant savings. By researching competitors’ prices, leveraging that information during negotiations, and being persistent in your efforts, you can successfully reduce your monthly expenses and improve your financial well-being.


In conclusion, we have discussed seven effective ways to trim monthly home expenses. By implementing these tips, you can make small changes that lead to significant savings. Remember, every dollar saved adds up over time and can make a big difference in your financial well-being. Take the initiative to analyze your expenses, reduce unnecessary costs, and make smarter choices when it comes to your home. By doing so, you can enjoy the financial benefits of living well on less. Start implementing these tips today and watch your savings grow.


Navigating the Real Estate Market: When is the Best Time to Sell Your House in Burlington, Ontario?


Selling a house is a significant decision that requires careful planning and consideration. If you are thinking about selling your house in Burlington, Ontario, it’s important to have a good understanding of the local real estate market and know when the best time to sell is. Timing can play a crucial role in the success of your sale and ultimately impact the price you can achieve.

Burlington, a vibrant city nestled on the shores of Lake Ontario, offers a desirable lifestyle with its picturesque neighbourhoods, excellent schools, and proximity to Toronto. Whether you’re looking to upgrade to a larger home, downsize, or relocate, selling your house in Burlington requires a strategic approach to maximize your return on investment.

Understanding the real estate market in Burlington is essential. By keeping a pulse on current trends, you can make informed decisions about when to list your property and how to position it competitively. Factors such as seasonality, economic conditions, and supply and demand dynamics can all influence the timing of your sale.

In this article, we will explore the best time to sell a house in Burlington. We will delve into the analysis of historical data, market trends, and expert insights to help you make an informed decision. Whether you’re a first-time seller or an experienced homeowner, this article aims to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the Burlington real estate market successfully.

So, let’s dive in and discover the opportune moments to sell your house in Burlington, Ontario, and make your real estate dreams a reality.

Understanding the Current Real Estate Market in Burlington

At present, Burlington’s real estate market can be described as experiencing a more balanced state, although the balance can vary depending on the type of property you are interested in, be it detached homes, townhouses, semi-detached, or condominiums. Here are some of the key factors contributing to the current state of the market:

  1. Buyer-Seller Balance: Both buyers and sellers have opportunities in this market, and understanding this balance is crucial.

  2. Price Fluctuations: Average property prices have been declining monthly, influenced by various factors like inventory, interest rates, and time on the market.

  3. Inventory Increase: Inventory is growing, providing more options for buyers, but sellers should be prepared for longer market times.

  4. Rising Interest Rates: Interest rates are on the rise, impacting property affordability, particularly for first-time buyers and those upsizing.

It’s important to note that while the market may favour one group over another, real estate conditions can vary by neighbourhood or property type. It’s advisable to work with a knowledgeable real estate agent who can provide specific insights and guidance based on your individual needs and goals.

Whether you are looking to buy or sell a property in Burlington, staying informed about the current real estate market is crucial. By understanding the market’s state, buyer-seller dynamics, and recent trends, you can make informed decisions that position you for success in this ever-changing market.

Key Factors to Consider When Deciding to Sell

When it comes to selling your home, there are several key factors to consider before making a decision. Taking into account market conditions, local trends, and personal circumstances can help you determine the optimal time to sell and maximize your selling opportunities.

First and foremost, it’s crucial to assess the current state of the real estate market. Understanding whether it’s a buyer’s or seller’s market can significantly impact your selling experience. In a seller’s market, where demand exceeds supply, you may be able to sell your home more quickly and potentially at a higher price. On the other hand, a buyer’s market, where supply exceeds demand, may require more time and effort to sell your property.

Local trends also play a significant role. Factors such as job growth, new developments, and changes in the neighbourhood can influence the demand for homes in your area. Keeping an eye on these trends can help you gauge the attractiveness of your property to potential buyers.

Additionally, it’s essential to consider your personal circumstances. Reasons for selling can vary from needing more space, downsizing, or relocating for work. Understanding your motivations and timeline can help you align your selling strategy with your goals.

One factor often overlooked is the impact of seasonality. Different seasons can affect the number of potential buyers and competition in the market. For example, spring and summer tend to be popular times for buyers, as the weather is more conducive to house hunting. However, this increased demand could also mean more competition from other sellers. Conversely, selling in the winter months might mean fewer buyers, but those who are looking may be more motivated.

Realtor Robert Budnikas (HeyRob) suggests several key factors to consider when deciding to sell. He emphasizes the importance of pricing your home competitively based on market conditions, preparing your property for sale, and having a clear understanding of your financial goals.

By carefully considering these factors, you can make an informed decision about when to sell your home, ensuring the best possible outcome for your real estate transaction.

Best Time to Sell in Burlington

When it comes to selling your home, timing can play a crucial role in achieving a favourable outcome. By examining historical data and market patterns, we can identify the best time to sell that will likely yield higher selling prices.

In Burlington, the real estate market tends to be bustling throughout the year, but certain months or seasons have shown a consistent trend of higher selling prices. Spring, specifically the months of April and May, has historically proven to be an optimal time to list your home. As the weather warms up, potential buyers are more active, and the increased demand often translates into higher offers.

Summer is another popular season in Burlington’s real estate market. With longer days and pleasant weather, buyers are more inclined to go out and explore available properties. This heightened interest can lead to competitive bidding and ultimately drive up the selling price of your home.

To maximize the chances of selling quickly and at a favourable price, consider a few tips. First, ensure your home is in top-notch condition by decluttering, depersonalizing, and staging it professionally. Curb appeal is also crucial, so invest time in enhancing your home’s exterior.

Collaborating with a knowledgeable and experienced real estate agent who understands the Burlington market can be invaluable. They can provide insights, guidance, and a tailored marketing strategy to attract the right buyers and negotiate the best offers.

Lastly, be flexible and open to negotiation. Buyers appreciate sellers who are accommodating and willing to work towards a mutually beneficial agreement.

By leveraging the trends and implementing these tips, you can increase your chances of selling your home quickly and at a favourable price in the vibrant real estate market of Burlington.

Expert Insights

As a trusted realtor serving the Burlington area, Robert Budnikas brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the table. With his expert insights, he offers exclusive tips and strategies to optimize the selling process in Burlington and help homeowners achieve a successful sale.

One of Rob’s top pieces of advice is to focus on curb appeal. He emphasizes the importance of making a strong first impression on potential buyers. By enhancing the exterior of your home, such as landscaping, painting, or updating the front door, you can significantly increase its appeal and attract more buyers.

Rob also emphasizes the significance of leveraging local market dynamics. Being intimately familiar with the Burlington real estate market, he understands the unique trends and factors that influence property values. By staying updated on market conditions, Rob can provide guidance on pricing strategies, timing the sale, and positioning your property effectively to maximize its value.

Furthermore, Rob emphasizes the importance of staging your home. By decluttering, depersonalizing, and arranging furniture strategically, you can create a welcoming and attractive environment that allows potential buyers to envision themselves living in the space. Rob can provide valuable advice on staging techniques that will make your home stand out from the competition.

With his extensive knowledge and understanding of the Burlington market, Rob is dedicated to helping homeowners navigate the selling process successfully. Whether it’s pricing, marketing, negotiating, or closing the deal, his expert insights and guidance will ensure a smooth and profitable transaction.


Selling a house in Burlington is a significant decision that requires careful consideration of various factors. In this article, we have discussed some key points to help you navigate the process successfully.

First and foremost, it is crucial to your financial situation and determine if your house aligns with your long-term goals. Consider such as the current market conditions your equity in the property and any potential costs associated with selling.

Understanding the current real estate market is paramount. Keeping a pulse on market trends, such as average home prices, inventory, and the average time it takes to sell a house will give you valuable insights into what to expect. This information will help you set realistic expectations and make informed decisions throughout the selling process.

However, navigating the real estate market can be complex and overwhelming. That’s where a trusted realtor like Robert Budnikas,  can be a valuable resource. With his extensive knowledge of the Burlington and surrounding area and years of experience in the real estate industry, Rob can provide personalized guidance and assistance tailored to your unique needs.

Whether you have questions about pricing your home, staging, marketing strategies or negotiating offers, Rob is here to help. Reach out to him today to schedule a consultation and get started on your journey to selling your house in Burlington with confidence.

Remember, selling a house is a significant undertaking, but with the right guidance and expertise, you can achieve your goals and maximize your return on investment. Contact Robert and say, HeyRob can you guide me through every step of the selling process?


Is Co-Buying Real Estate Right for You? A Guide for Young Ontarians Facing the Real Estate Crunch


In the dynamic landscape of Ontario’s real estate market, young first-time homebuyers face the dual challenge of navigating high interest rates alongside soaring home prices. This combination presents a formidable barrier to entry, making the dream of homeownership seem increasingly out of reach for many. The financial strain is palpable, with the cost of borrowing escalating and the prices of homes in cities like Burlington and Oakville continuing to climb, setting a challenging stage for those looking to make their first foray into the property market.

Understanding Co-Buying

Although not new, a concept gaining momentum among young homebuyers is co-buying. This innovative approach involves two or more individuals partnering to purchase a property together. By pooling resources, co-buyers can overcome some of the financial hurdles that often stand in the way of homeownership, making the dream of owning a home more attainable.

The rising popularity of co-buying in Ontario, especially among millennials and younger generations, is a strategic response to the challenges of entering a competitive housing market. With property prices soaring in southern Ontario, the traditional route to buying a home has become increasingly difficult for individuals to navigate on their own. Co-buying emerges as a smart solution, offering a way to share the financial burden and responsibilities of homeownership.

Primary motivators behind the decision to co-buy include the financial benefits, such as shared mortgage payments, down payments, maintenance costs, and property taxes. This collective approach to purchasing property not only makes economic sense but also divides the workload and responsibilities associated with maintaining a home. Furthermore, co-buying can offer emotional support and a sense of community, as co-owners embark on the homeownership journey together.

In essence, co-buying represents a practical, collaborative strategy for young Ontarians eager to enter the housing market. It’s a testament to the power of unity in achieving common goals and the innovative ways the next generation is navigating the complexities of real estate investment.

Financial Considerations of Co-Buying

When delving into the realm of co-buying a property, a meticulous approach to arranging finances becomes paramount. Pooling resources for a down payment stands as the initial step where co-buyers combine their funds to meet the substantial upfront cost of purchasing a home. This collective effort not only eases the individual financial burden but also potentially opens the door to better mortgage rates and terms, given the larger down payment.

Mortgage qualifications for co-buyers entail a comprehensive evaluation of each party’s financial health, including income, credit score, and debt-to-income ratio. Lenders amalgamate these factors to determine the borrowing capacity of the group. It’s crucial to recognize that the financial profile of one co-buyer can affect the collective borrowing power. If one party has a significantly lower credit score, it might limit the loan amount or lead to higher interest rates, impacting all co-buyers.

Determining how to split ownership percentages is a critical aspect that requires a fair and realistic approach. This division should reflect each co-buyer’s financial contribution towards the down payment and mortgage payments, as well as other expenses related to the property. Legal agreements, such as a co-ownership contract, can delineate these percentages and set clear expectations for all parties involved.

In essence, co-buying is a strategy that demands thorough financial planning and clear communication among all participants. By addressing these financial considerations head-on, co-buyers can pave the way for a successful and equitable property purchase.

Navigating the Mortgage Application Process as Co-Buyers

Applying for a mortgage as co-buyers can be a strategic move to pool financial resources and secure a home loan. Here’s a step-by-step guide to navigate this process smoothly and effectively.

  1. Understand Your Credit Scores: Lenders will scrutinize the credit scores of both applicants. These scores are pivotal in determining your loan eligibility and interest rates. Higher scores can lead to more favorable terms, so it’s crucial for both co-buyers to know their scores and work on improving them if necessary.

  2. Review Employment History and Income: Stable employment and reliable income are key factors lenders consider. Co-buyers should compile proof of employment and other income sources. This documentation showcases financial stability and the capacity to manage monthly payments.

  3. Consider Debt-to-Income Ratios: Lenders evaluate the debt-to-income (DTI) ratio to assess your ability to manage payments. Lowering your DTI ratio before applying can strengthen your application. This might mean paying down debt or considering a more affordable property.

  4. Apply Jointly: With a clear understanding of your financial standing, apply for the mortgage jointly. Ensure all required documents are organized and accurate to expedite the approval process.

Strengthening Your Application

To enhance your application:

  • Consolidate and reduce debts.

  • Maintain stable employment.

  • Save for a larger down payment to reduce the loan amount.

Applying as co-buyers can be advantageous, offering the chance to combine financial strengths. By carefully preparing and making informed decisions, co-buyers can navigate the mortgage application process towards a successful home purchase together.

Making It Work: Tips for a Successful Co-Purchase

Embarking on the journey of co-buying a property? Congratulations! It’s a splendid way to step into homeownership, especially in today’s market. However, like any great adventure, it demands preparation, clear communication, and a sprinkle of compromise. Here are some golden tips to ensure your co-purchase is not just successful, but also a joyous venture!

  1. Forge Strong Communication Channels: The cornerstone of co-buying success is ironclad communication. Before signing any dotted lines, have open discussions about each person’s expectations, financial contributions, and long-term goals. This foundation will help prevent misunderstandings and set a clear path forward.

  2. Set Joint Goals: What do you both envision for this property? A cozy nest to grow old in, or perhaps a stepping stone towards bigger investments? Setting joint goals ensures you’re rowing the boat in the same direction. It also makes decisions about renovations, maintenance, and eventual sale much smoother.

  3. Embrace Flexibility and Compromise: Like any relationship, a co-buying arrangement thrives on give-and-take. Be prepared to compromise and remain flexible. Whether it’s about the choice of wallpaper or the timing of a kitchen renovation, finding common ground is key to maintaining harmony and making collective decisions.

  4. Jointly Manage the Property: Divide the responsibilities of managing the property, from routine maintenance to undertaking improvements. This approach not only ensures the property is well-cared for but also helps in building equity together. When it comes to selling, a well-maintained home can significantly boost your return on investment.

By following these practical tips, your co-purchase journey can be a harmonious and prosperous one. Remember, the joy is not just in the destination but in the journey itself. Happy co-buying!

Pros and Cons of Co-Buying

Co-buying, the practice of purchasing a property jointly with another party, offers several appealing benefits but also comes with potential drawbacks that warrant careful consideration.


Financial relief stands out as a significant advantage of co-buying. By pooling resources, buyers can access properties that might have been beyond their individual budgets, affording them a better location or a larger space. Moreover, shared homeownership responsibilities mean that maintenance costs and the burden of mortgage payments are divided, easing the financial strain on each party.


However, co-buying is not without its challenges. Complications in personal relationships can arise, particularly if one party wants to sell or can no longer afford their share of the mortgage. Financial disagreements, too, are a common pitfall, as differing opinions on significant investments or renovations can lead to friction.

Real-Life Scenarios

Consider the scenario of Jane and John, who co-bought a property as friends. Initially, the arrangement was beneficial, allowing them to share expenses and upkeep. However, when John wanted to move in with his partner, disagreements arose over selling the property or buying out his share, straining their relationship.

Conversely, Sarah and Alex, siblings who invested in a property together, found success by establishing clear agreements on financial contributions and exit strategies from the outset. This foresight allowed them to navigate ownership smoothly and even profit from their investment when they decided to sell.


Co-buying a property is an increasingly popular strategy among young Ontarians grappling with the real estate market’s challenges. By pooling resources, co-buyers can access financial advantages and share the responsibilities of homeownership, making the dream of owning a home more attainable. However, as attractive as these benefits are, it’s crucial to tread this path with caution and thorough understanding.

Entering into a co-buying arrangement without clear agreements can open the door to personal and financial conflicts that may complicate your investment and relationships. The importance of understanding both the financial and legal aspects of co-buying cannot be overstated. It’s essential to have everything documented—from how mortgage payments are split to what happens if one party wants to sell their share. This foresight can safeguard your investment and your relationships.

Despite the potential pitfalls, co-buying remains a viable solution for those facing the steep climb of the Ontario real estate market. It offers a unique opportunity to share the burdens and joys of homeownership. Before leaping, carefully weigh the pros and cons, and consider whether this arrangement aligns with your personal and financial circumstances.

We invite our readers to share their co-buying experiences and advice. By fostering a community of support, we can navigate the complexities of the real estate market together. Whether you’re contemplating co-buying or have already taken the plunge, your insights can illuminate the path for others in similar positions. Let’s learn from each other and make informed decisions that propel us toward our homeownership goals.


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